
این قسمت را از صفحۀ مای اسپیسم کپی کردم و کامل نیست. برای دوستان انگلیسی زبانم گذاشتم چون "مای اسپیس" خراب شده. عکس و ویدیو ها ئی را که ناپدید شده اند، بتدریج اضافه خواهم کرد


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Material from my MySpace page. I Will add the missing pics and videos, and repair damaged links. Please come back! Thanks

All material composed and posted from 2006 to 2008 when Bush was in office

For A Free IRAN......

In 1979 I witnessed the Iranian revolution unfold on American television. Three major networks, diligently, devoted the first 5-10 minutes of prime time news to the events on the streets of Tehran, showing Shah's army tanks and police marshalling the streets, and their vain effort to control the chaos. I could not believe my ears and eyes as people chanted Death to Shah on the streets as they stomped and burned his pictures, set cars on fire, and vandalized shops and banks. They would hang flower reefs on the tank barrels, symbolically asking for army's support in their struggle. I never saw those tanks fire..........

Unbelievable, for just 8 years prior, when I was in high school in Tehran, I could not have whispered to my classmate that I did not like the Shah, much less wish him, or a member of his family, any harm. Shah's secret police, the infamous Savak, had instilled so much fear in Iranians that they were afraid of uttering even the simplest words of dissatisfaction about His Excellency, The Shah of Shahs, God's Shadow on Earth

And the people were oppressed and dissatisfied.

After the mullahs hijacked the revolution, they masterfully executed the West's scenario for Iran's slide into barbarism, and dark ages. To start the process, religious agent Khomeini superficially coined the ISLAMIC phrase and stamped the revolution. And an Islamic Republic was instituted for the first time in history. Nobody dared ask Khomeini exactly what an Islamic Republic would look and act like, not that he would have answered.

Time for Iranians to reap the rewards of their beloved Islam:

Not a year later, a group of hoodlums stormed the American Embassy, took it over, kept 52 Americans hostage for 444 days with the demand that the Shah be returned to Iran to be killed . Because the U.S. media, as if on a queue, stopped covering Iran after Khomeini's take over, it is imperative that the world, Americans in particular, be made aware that it was the mullahs' thugs that attacked the U.S. embassy, not the Iranian people.
Now the major reward of having a British nurtured and installed mullah in charge of a 2500 year old dynasty: Islamic Republic was beginning to make more sense as the days passed

Then the Iran-Iraq war plot was promptly implemented.

After 8 years of a senseless, bloody conflict, after more than a million people were killed, back when Saddam really did have Weapons Of Mass Destruction and was massacring Iranians and his own people, when his killing of innocent thousands was not bad enough to deserve news coverage, back when he was Reagan administration's sweetheart, when Don Rumsfeld was sent to Iraq to kiss his derriere and demonstrate America's support in the war-to keep Iran from winning- after Iran was successfully pushed back into a stone age barbaric era, after.............................

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein

Proof That Mullahs Are Not Human

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Shops and businesses in the Kurdish city of Mahabad remained shut on Thursday in a protest of the killing of the Kurdish man, Shiwan Qadri by Iranian Islamic thugs, reported the Italian news agency AKI . Approximately 2000 people gathering in Mecbur Awa, held a-theere-hour demonstration with Kurdish flags, shouting against the current Iranian regime and carrying the pictures of Qadri. The demonstrators also kindled fires and condemned newly elected Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad with a harsh wording.

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Shovan Qaderi

What the mullahs' thugs did to this young man was so gross, his body so mangled up that the last two pictures violated photobucket's regulations. I did not mean to violate those regulations, but I left their message here on purpose.

A demonstration started on Wednesday evening in the nearby town of Piranshahr in support of “the resistance by the people of Mahabad”. People there chanted slogans against the Iranian regime. The protest lasted for several hours and at least 10 people were arrested, eye-witnesses said.
The mass protests were sparked by the cold-blooded murder of a young Kurdish man, Shovan Qaderi, who had been involved in recent anti-government demonstrations in Mahabad. Security forces shot the unarmed political activist at point blank, tied his body to a Toyota small truck and dragged him in the streets “to teach a lesson” to the local people.
Since then, protests have been continuing every day. At least one local police commander was killed and several hundred people have been arrested during the numerous hit-and-run clashes and house-to-house raids.

Proof That Mullahs Are Not Human

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In July 2003, the Islamic Republic of Mullahs jailed, tortured, raped, and killed an Iranian born Canadian reporter that had dared to go there to investigate the conditions of political prisoners. And they refused to return her body to the gutless Canadian government, that because of mullahs' multi-billion dollar investments in Canada, will not raise hell, or confiscate their investments until they do so - to determine the cause of her death.

Please visit Her Son's Web Site, And Show Your Support By Condemning the Mullahs And The Canadian Government For Betraying Her.

Zahra Kazemi's Murder In Mullahs' Prison

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I have put a hanging video here 3 times. I do not feel that I am doing wrong by doing so. I seek to inform my friends here of atrocities committed by the mullahs in Iran. People must know, and the mullahs must be condemned. The videos have been removed by YouTube, and then by MySpace. That is what they feel is proper: CENSORSHIP. And we are living in a free society. If they remove it again, you can see one in this personal blog below or by Googling it. I know MySpace can delete my profile but it cannot delete Google.

Hanging in Public By Mullahs

One of the early indications that gojastak Khomeini hated Iran and what it stood for surfaced when he replaced the Lion and The Sun in our flag with this hateful, scorpion looking, foreign symbol that belonged to an Indian cult.

I Am A Citizen Of The World................

As an Iranian-American I state my opinion, based on 28 years of observation, that the mullahs in Iran are agents of imperialism. Even if the U.S. or Israel attack Iran, the fact remains, and there are evidences available that the United States and Great Britain wanted to, or at least, played a MAJOR role in establishing the Islamic Republic in Iran.

Now what? Is the U.S.A. ready to replace them? A more challenging question would be can the U.S.A. replace them?

Regardless of the answer, I'm afraid things are not looking good for Iranian people. A military attack on Iran will strengthen the mullahs' position, as did attacking Iraq. There are numerous reasons why a military move against Iran will not benefit the U.S.A: the Iraq war predicament, Americans' sentiments at present, Iran not posing a threat to U.S. (remember Iraq?), the recent change in U.S. circus i.e. Congress, U.S. world image, just to name a few. On the other hand, if the U.S. does not confront Iran, that too will strengthen the mullahs' regime i Iran, and discourage Iranians who want freedom from these rag heads; because they (mullahs) will fill the air waves with: see, we told you so! The U.S.A. can do nothing.

These people, the ruling clergy (the mullahs) are the most obnoxious and disgusting form of useless creatures. Their brazen conduct has no limits; robbing 65 million people of Iran, and bragging at the same time about how goody goody they are (see: Press TV), and how Iranians enjoy their freedom, that of course is an Islamic freedom. Everything has become Islamic. The name of the country, the flag, TV, culture, you name it. And the people love it!! There are no jobs, people are hungry; but they have plenty of heroin, opium, addiction, prostitution, corruption, and last but not least a healthy dose of Islam. In fact, the mullahs have accomplished their mission well, that being turning Iran into a dump, a barbaric society ruled by "religious" thieves and thugs, a nation notorious for terror and terrorism. At this point, nothing but the Iranian people's determined power-a revolution- will defeat these scum bag occupiers. For that tremendous force to materialize, the people first need to overcome their fear of machine guns, torture and abuse; they need a convincing incentive.

Is there ANYTHING the U.S.A. can do to bring about that mighty determination that will challenge and defeat the mullahs’ machine guns? Yes, embolden them and inflame their dissatisfaction, with minimal costs, just like they did in 1978-1979 when they extracted Shah. To start, just unleash B.B.C. and C.N.N.(to tell the truth). Keep in mind that this media dedicates months and months of coverage to Michael Jackson or Anna Nicole Smith, but fails to inform the world about what could possibly be the start of a World War. In fact, If our government wanted to bring calm to this world, it could have accomplished that by spending 1/100 of what has been spent in Iraq only to kill at least some half a million people, and create a vacuum in that country. Yes, Saddam Hussein paid the ultimate price for messing with Mr. Bush’s daddy, but so did thousands upon thousands of American soldiers (killed and/or disabled)and their families, who mourn their pointless loss in an illegal, unprovoked war based on abstract ideas.

Mr. Bush (in his speech of the union, or whatever. lol)has mentioned more than once that he supports the Iranian people. I hate to use cliché, but talk is cheap. If we let the bought and paid for media in this country, and the B.B.C. in England tell the world about how mullahs are tearing Iran apart, The Iranians will be encouraged to take care of the rest. However, if mullahs go, and the world regains its relative calm, Mr. Bush’s speech writers will run out of the garbage they have been flooding the airwaves with since the beginning of his administration following the 9/11 attacks.

As an American, I say If we do not like terror, in a yet bolder move, we can choke the mullahs, and shut down their terror machine by outright blockading their oil export. Yes, that would be an act of war, but so what?! It would neither be an unprovoked, unjustified act like the Iraq war, nor will it require a tremendous military move, because we are already there! The Iranian people are not benefiting from that oil anyway. They have not (done so) for more than a half of century. That blockade will hurt the Brits, Russians, Chinese, Japanese, and the major oil or weapon manufacturer companies that are making fantastic deals with the mullahs by sucking Iranian people's livelihood *i.e: oil), and will bring down the cancerous mullahs. Once a spark is ignited, rest assured, the Iranian youth (65 to 70% of the population) will set the mullahs' behind on fire.

Will we do either? REALLY support the Iranian people, or block the mullahs' oil trade? Sadly, I do not believe we will, and I hope I am wrong.

This is one of the Islamic Republic's most notorious, hard-liner theorists. He is knowledgeable and thus to be reckoned with. The video is included to prove my claim that very young Iranian girls are being sold (auctioned off) to Arabs. He shouts that out in this video, blaming the officials. Never before, in our history, we've been so disgraced. Too bad there's no English translation of it available.

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Another picture from Iran's Parliment turned into a Zoo. (with all due respect to animals)

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yaare dabestani

The Song: Yare Dabestani (My elementary schoolmate) and Ahmad Batebi became a symbol of resistance after 18 Tir uprising. The guy who simply held up a bloody T-Shirt. He was imprisoned, because his picture became international. Original video removed from YouTube, this is a sub.

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They are pretending to be sad about something that happened more than a thousand years ago, only to deceive the already ignorant masses, stay in power, and steal

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Mullahs Watching Islamic Republic's Missile. Ooooooh! Scary stuff!!! This Should Really Deter Any Country That Contemplates Attacking Iran.

A Typical Mullah Caught on film Doing What Mullahs Do Best.

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Islamic Unity Conference hosted by mullahs in Iran. Such impressive display of unity and enthusiasm.

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This video was deleted from YouTube. I uploaded it to MySpace, and sometimes MySpace video disappears. The video loses its meaning without the English subtitles. If you don't see a picture, please watch it in my videos. I think it's one of Wafa Sultan's best (she has many on YouTube)

An ex-muslim lady speaks out. Although everything she says about Islam is true, she neglects to mention that  Christianity,too,  speaks of using a sword on non-believers. Islam just copied that crap from the Bible, and dressed it up (quite a bit, I might add).

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From early days of mullahs' installment in 1979, 2nd Islamic invasion of Iran. Islamic lies in headlines:


Hejab (Arabic) is head cover for Muslim women.

3 Pictures Below Are Links

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Persians' religion Was Zoroastrianism Before The Arabs' Invasion
Then, Islam, "Religion of Peace" Was Shoved In Their Throat. After 1400 Years, We Are Still Reaping Islamic Rewards With The Help of The Mullahs, enemies of Iran and Iranians.

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Cyrus' tomb lies in the ruins of Pasargad, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

More Than 2000 Years Ago, Persians' Religin Was Based On 3 Slogans:

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Good Words
Good Thoughts
Good Deeds

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Shah's Last Interview in Panama

This Beautiful Country Will Not Stay In Mullahs' Chains. She Will Be Free.

From one of agent Khomeini's banned speeches in Islamic "Republic" of mullahs: We not only are going to improve your material life -free transportation, free water and electricity...., we will improve your spiritual life as well....They (meaning Shah) have destroyed your spirituality, he said!

Public hanging in Iran

………The year was 1979
Already I had lived much too
Long in a decade’s time, alas I’d
Endure centuries daily on that year

An extraordinarily beautiful day in
Spring of 1979, haplessly I stood by
To watch the city bleed in flames

Left unsupervised by chaotic
Oversight; just a tiny pyro
Admiring the blaze, and
As rage teemed to fury
Deep inside a crimson
The massacre would
Spoil the soil for years
To come, brother against
Brother, testaments of
Hatred to mark the
Proud nation’s
Descent into
Epic shame

He bumped me
Paused and stared
Dead into my eyes, I
Felt his anxiety, fear
Rushed through me
Like the rusty old
Blade, clenched
In fist; timid
He gripped
A bottle

In flames

A Molotov
Cocktail with
A ferocious killer
To be unleashed inside
An innocent smile wore
Out his fate, the telltale
Signs loud as day break
And yet consumed by
The feinted courage
Solicited to him
Boldly disregard
The siren’s song, not
A day over twelve
And tragically

Exuberant carnage just
The fix to make a martyr
Of a reluctant junkie, it’d
Be years before I acquired
The language to translate
The dire plea in his eyes:
Wept his soul through
The valiant façade
I’ll never forget
How the terror

Crept under my
Naïve armor and
Stole my innocence
From me, the delicate
Flux of fleeting inertia
Conquered by the rush
Before my adolescent
Mind could process
The profound fiber
The panoramic
Tapestry, he
Was gone

Out of reach to
Hit his stride, bob
And weave to mount
The armored beast in
A single bound, as
Launched the kindled
Shard of doom through
The hatch, fierce emerged
The flames from the tiny
Porthole, as shrieks of
Death ignited the
Flammable air

The boy celebrated the kill
As he ran back to the cheers
Of his friends when suddenly
A tight set of machinegun fire
Cut him down to decorate the
Cold asphalt in red warmth
His blood

Undone, I withstood the
Crushing weight of the
Crime, disarmed and
Withdrawn to find
Detached eyes drawn to
The Rorschach blotches of
Plasma splattered on the
Sidewalk cement from
Exit wounds thirty
Feet away, still
I watched the
Steam rise
Into the

Dead he laid in a
Puddle of life, oozing
Surreal over the tapestry
Of the nightmare dressed
As reality, the haunting
Had arrested all eyes
In tears just to set
The stage for one
Lasting image
Despair to infect
The open wounds in
Our memory forever

Depraved the killing
Machine in steel armor
Lead artillery, and spitfire
Gasoline grinds and growls
To deliberately ride over the
Limp remains of the tiny
Disposable hero, as the
Rending cries of his
Mother could be
Clear cross
The city in

Copyright ©2008 Ali Khaghani


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